
December 15, 2015

Today's Story Highlight: A Wonderful Christmas Time by Ranger

Today's Music:


Yesterday's Activity: Christmas Cryptogram #4 Solution

Today's Activity: The Advent Calendar Christmas Ornament Trivia Game - Each ornament or object in the Advent Calendar was chosen to represent a particular Rolf and Ranger Character(s).  Name which Character or Characters that ornament or object represents.  

Example: If this was the ornament for Christmas Day, December 25th...the answer to number 25 would be Theo -- because Theo is a film maker.  


Answers to The Advent Calendar Christmas Ornament Trivia Game

Today's Brat in a Hat


  1. Ok, going to take a stab at the ornaments:
    1. ??
    2. ??
    3. Bandit ??
    4. Roger
    5. Paul
    6. Bear
    7. Rolf & Matthew ??
    8. Nick & Damien ??
    9. ??
    10. ??
    11. Flynn
    12. Val ??
    13. Jake
    14. Charlie & Wade
    15. David
    16. Jasper
    17. ??
    18. Riley
    19. Dale
    20. Philip
    21. Niall
    22. Luke ??
    23. ??
    24. Tom

    Well I surely suck at THAT game! LOL.

    It was fun. Thanks!


  2. Trying again!
    Tarabeth Thank you for the whole Advent Calendar. I am really enjoying it.
    1. Darcy
    2. Gerry
    3. Bandit
    4. Roger
    5. Paul
    6. Bear
    7. Matthew, Rolf
    8. Nick
    9. Damian
    10. the Red Phone Rolf threatens Chris with
    11. the Lexan
    12. Val
    13 Jake
    14.Wade & Charlie
    15. David
    16. Jasper
    17. Holmes & Watson
    18.Yak Whomper
    19. Dale
    20 Philip
    21. Niall
    23. Skinner, Mulder, Scully & Kim
    24. Tom
